Monday 10 December 2012

Magic Realism

After showing one of my short stories to a few people I received an interesting piece of feedback that my style has elements of 'Magic Realism' to it. 

Magic Realism is a genre where magic elements are a natural part in an otherwise ordinary, realistic environment.  What I take from this would be my stories tend to have a basic well known setting such as a bar, but they contain a magical element to it, in this case a magic ring that gives you wishes.  

Gabriel Garcia Marquez's name repeatedly came up as I was researching Magic Realism.  He appears to be the father of the genre, with several successful books to his name. E.g. 100 Years of Solitude and No one writes to the Colonel

"His works have achieved significant critical acclaim and widespread commercial success, most notably for popularizing a literary style labeled as magic realism, which uses magical elements and events in otherwise ordinary and realistic situations."  Source:

A book/film favourite of mine that I had not previously thought about the genre would be 'The Green Mile'.  This story is set around a realistic death row prison of characters and what they do in their last few weeks.  The magical element is then added with the character 'John Coffey' who can add and remove people's illnesses.  

Movie Watch: From what I have researched, Woody Allen's movies tend to have a magical realism  feel to them.  In order to further my knowledge of Magic Realism I am now going to watch his latest film, 'Midnight In Paris'.  I am hoping this may provide me with some inspiration for my next short story.  

Sunday 25 November 2012

Everyone Has A Number - Short Story Sample

I’m sitting at a bar drinking a delicious pint and working on a crossword that is now starting to supply me with higher levels of frustration than it is a relief from boredom.  Into the bar stumbles an old, already quite drunken man with shaggy hair and worn clothing.  He is holding something.  He stumbles across the bar and sits down on one of the bar stools beside me. 

“Everyone has a number! Everyone! You just don’t know what yours is!” The shaggy old lunatic said to me. 

“Look I’m just trying to watch the game you old coot.  If I wanted a pint of crazy I would have stayed home with the wife.” I quickly snapped back at him. 

The shaggy maniac stares at me for a second then asks, “Do you love your wife? What if something happened to her? What if she was dying? Would you risk it all to save her??”

“I don’t like the cut of your jib you old..” I pause and notice what he was holding in his hand was a tatty looking gold ring with a red gem on top.  It looks like something straight off old Queen Vic’s boney haggard finger. 

The old man sees that I have noticed the ring and let out a sly smile.  “I remember the first time I saw the ring like it was yesterday.  I looked a lot like you look right now, and thinking about it I probably look a lot like the old b*stard I stole it from all those years ago.”

I scrunch up my eyes confused and getting increasingly annoyed by this man.  

He asks. “What is your name?”

I sarcastically mutter, “You could literally own 10,000 shares in my name.  You could write a business plan for my name and make little pens with a logo and my name on it and it would just still not be any of your business.”

He stares at me inanely. 

I contemplate lying or plainly just not answering but against my better judgment I reply, “My name is Conor.”

Eagerly he probes, “What if I told you this ring could give you everything you ever wanted?”

Without even looking to him I snap, “Is this the part where you ask me to put my finger in your ring because if it is. . “

The old man laughs and splurts out “Haha no my boy! This is the part where I change your life forever.  If you wear this ring you can make as many wishes as you want and they will always come true!”

I tighten my grip around my glass and through gritted teeth I humour the progressively aggravating coffin dodger.  “So you have a magic ring? Brilliant. So why on earth would you give it to me? Is this one of those dickey pyramid schemes or something?”

The timeworn fellow laughs annoyingly again.  “I am not trying to sell you anything! My problem is simply that everyone has a certain number of wishes they can make before they turn bad, and start affecting their previous wishes in terrible ways!”

I stare at the deep-rooted chap blankly.  When he first walked in the bar he looked miserable and now I can’t help but notice the look of excitement in his eyes. 

He continues. “These wishes are a lot like alcohol tolerance! Some people can only manage 1 or 2 drinks before they have had enough.  Others can drink until the bar is dry without having so much as a sore head the next day.  Alcohol can be a wonderful thing when used in moderation.  When used excessively you can end up in a truly awful state! Just like these wishes.”

I notice people from around the bar starting to look over to us.  I try to act as though I don’t know this drunken fool and as I turn my head from him I ask, “So why are you telling me this?”

He suddenly looks deadly serious. “You my boy could just be the answer to all my problems. The man I stole this ring from had made 4 wishes before they went bad and the one before that only 3.  I have already made 6 wishes and not a single bad thing has happened to me! Except. . .”

Puzzled, angry and slightly curious I ask, “So what’s the problem? Except what?”

He is so close to me now I can smell the nauseating stench of his whiskey coated breath on my nose. He continues, “The last time I made a wish was over 2 years ago.  I promised my wife I would never make another one for fear our previous wishes went bad. However now she is very sick.  So sick in fact I don’t believe she will make it through the week.  I fear it was my last wish that may have been the cause.”

I quickly snap, “Well Aladdin why don’t you make lucky number seven be for your wife to get better?”

He sighs and explains, “My last wish was for my wife to get pregnant with our beautiful baby girl. We were told we could not have children, yet she is very much alive and well today! I could not live with myself if anything happened to my daughter due to me making one wish too many.  On my baby girl’s 2nd birthday my wife fell ill.  I am certain the ring must be the reason.  I have played one card too many.”

I look at this man and keep his gaze for a while.  I can tell this man, beneath the mangy beard and dirty designer suit was once an attractive possibly wealthy man.  Has he really been pushed to this because of his ill wife? Has he just been going from bar to bar telling his story hoping someone will have some sort of magic wand to solve his problems? No, this man has to be insane.  

As I look away from his stare he reaches out to my hand and exclaims, “Surely there is something you want? You need or desire?”

My mind casts over my life like a like an old movie projector in my brain.  A loveless marriage, a dead end job and a car that sounds like a bag of spanners in a washing machine. If I could change it all, would I? 

He cries, “You must take the ring. You can keep it forever and make a thousand wishes for all I care, but you must promise me for your first wish you must request my wife’s full and healthy recovery!”

He pushes the ring into my hand and closes my fingers over it tight.  I can’t help but be fascinated by this whole thing, convinced maybe.  Against my better judgement I ask, “What is your wife’s name?”

He shouts, “Edna Francine McPrice.  Please! I beg you!”

I quickly slip on the ring and pedantically murmur “I wish for the full and frank recovery of Mrs Edna Francine McPrice. May she continue to have the pleasure of this nut cases company for many years to come.”

He stands up and exclaims, “Oh thank you! Thank you so mu..”

I interrupt and having just slipped the ring down on my middle finger I slowly raise it to the eccentric man’s face and say, “I wish this stupid undiagnosed menace to society would p*ss off and leave me in peace.”

Shocked and baffled the man without saying a word, turns his back to me and walks across the room to the exit.  He doesn’t even acknowledge me as he speedily skips through the door he sulked through several minutes ago.  

I gawp down at the golden band on my middle finger and chuckle like a hyena on marijuana.  I think to myself, “The only thing I will be granted from wearing this old piece of junk is hepatitis.” The gold glints off my now empty pint glass.  “I wish I had a full pint.”

Seconds later the barman approaches and apologetically says, “Sorry about that old geezer buddy, here’s one on the house for the hassle.”

A coincidence.  Definitely a coincidence.  I gratefully nod and accept my prize, my wish.  As I glug down the liquid gold I can’t help but let my mind wander to what I have been trying not to think about ever since he left.  Why didn’t I ask him what his other wishes were?

It is four days before I think of that golden, circular temptress again.  I work for a car showroom that sells ridiculously expensive cars to ridiculously wealthy people.  My resentment for the filthy rich customers I serve is only trumped by my envy for them.  I’m in my office when I look down on my desk and see the headline that turned my world upside down:

“Edna Francine McPrice, miracle recovery”

To be continued. . . 

Monday 19 November 2012

Breaking News - BBC Tour

I got a tour of the BBC News studios in order to give me an idea of what a real working studio looks like. 

I got to have a look around the news room and see exactly where the presenters go on air and how the people behind the scenes keep everything flowing seamlessly.  I found this fascinating as I could see what I normally see on my TV from an entirely different view. 

While on the tour I got the chance to have a go at using the auto cue and do a bit of presenting on the same set as the BBC News presenters.  

To end the tour I was able to get speaking to radio presenter and all round good guy Uncle Hugo Duncan.  He gave me and the rest of the group some invaluable experience and wisdom with regards to the radio and journalism industry.  

Overall I felt this tour was very beneficial, even for simply being able to walk around a proper working studio that broadcasts to an entire nation.  Learning how the cogs turn in a well oiled machine like the BBC was both daunting and exciting to think I could one day be one of those cogs turning in unison along side people like Hugo Duncan. 

Wednesday 7 November 2012


During my Camera work and Lighting class this week we were required to pick an object from around the TV studio and shoot a short film about it using different lighting techniques.  The group chose a fan and instantly I envisioned this fan as a character hopping around the floor bobbing its head up and down looking for someone within the winter months to use it.  
This idea and many more like it I have had in the past would all require stop motion.  I really enjoy using stop motion and would like to look into it a bit more to improve on the currently limited knowledge I have on it.  

Creature Discomforts - Andy McComb

Shown above is a short video I made using stop motion for the first time.  I thoroughly enjoyed making this video and feel that with the use of a less crudely constructed clay character I could  produce an entertaining short movie. 

Monday 5 November 2012

LL - Week 8 - My Biggest Fan

Week 8 – 5/11/12

In script writing this week we continued where we left off before Halloween with our stories we had told each other from our own life experiences.  We have to relate this to the Ten Commandments as we will be doing coursework on this in the future.  I picked one of my own stories and started working on my script for it.  I found it a lot easier to write about something I have vaguely seen in my own life.  However we side tracked and are now required to work in pairs on a script with a unique idea.  Myself and Frankie are currently working on a fantasy idea and are meeting up at the end of the week to discuss it further. 

On Wednesday afternoon in my Camera and Lighting class I was put into groups in which we were required to choose an object from around the studio and produce a short film on it showing different uses of lighting.  The idea behind this is that if you light something in a certain way it will make the audience think in a certain way.  A room is just a room, but what if it is lit with eerie shadows and dim light? The room will become a scary surrounding just by changing the lighting effect. 

Our group chose a fan and after several terrible puns we decided to use my idea of depicting firstly the 9 months of the year in which a fan is not used and perhaps thrown in the corner gathering dust.  We would then make a transition to the summer months when the fan has its head held high and is blasting at full power.  I felt that by making the fan seem like a legitimate character that they could feel sorry for, the audience would be more interested in where the short movie was going. 
An example of how our object was set up can be shown below. 

Set design class this week allowed us to continue on with the production of our set.  Ryan and I have developed our idea in which we are going to produce a scene that shows a murderers basement together with a trophy cabinet full of shoes and a table where he carries out his abominations.  I have enjoyed creating the core of our set so far and feel as though I am starting to get better at woodwork.  
Below you can see how the core of our set is coming along after one week of work. 

I have realised that making a small set like this can prove to be quite useful.  For example when I first painted the floor of this set (shown above) I was using a colour that I thought would be perfect for the look I was going for.  However when I stood back and looked at it I thought it didn't really work how I wanted it to.  
Being a small set meant I could just paint over the floor quickly and without cost, however had this been for a large film shoot this would have been a costly mistake for both time and money.  

Monday 22 October 2012

Business Card

I have recently been speaking to someone who said they had a friend who worked for the BBC and that if I had a business card they would pass it on. I thought to myself, why do I not have a business card?

So I went home and drew this bad boy up and 5 days later here we have my brand new business card. 

I feel that having a few of these in my wallet will always ensure that when in a situation where I am talking to someone I would like to keep as a contact, I can simply hand over all my contact details at the very least.  This erases awkward fumbling for paper or typing it into phones and is just generally more professional. 

LL - Week 6 - Springvale or Springfield?

Week 6 – 22/10/2012

This week I attended the new campus in Springvale for a week long assassination attempt on my dignity.  With the words “You are all adults” echoing around the open plan work area with coloured feathers and Play Doh to keep my mind occupied I think it is safe to say this type of learning style does not fit me. 

We were required to get into groups with other people from courses that had no relevance to my own what so ever and work on a presentation for businesses that once again had no relevance to creative media.  I do feel that this course had the potential to be very productive and beneficial.  I just think that the execution would need to be worked on to incorporate some opportunities to gain experience in the sector that I wish to work in. 

Shown below you can see an idea of one of the business proposals we had to work on. This particular scenario was about a beauty salon wanting to improve their brand. 

Movie Watch:  Over Halloween I decided to get a jump on my film studies class and watched Our Man FlintGoldfinger and Austin Powers. I’m sure having these movies fresh in my mind will make it easier when I start my coursework looking at the comparisons between the three.